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Terms of service

General Provisions

1.1 The non-profit partnership “World Association of PMU Artists” (WAPMUA), hereinafter referred to as the Partnership, is the first international and independent organization of permanent make-up artists operating in the legal field of the European Union. The Partnership is based on the membership of natural persons and legal entities, hereinafter referred to as “Members”, with the aim of supporting and facilitating activities aimed at achieving the objectives set out in these Articles of Association, in accordance with the legislation of the European Union and other relevant international regulations.
1.2 The Partnership acts on the basis of European Union legislation, legislation of the countries where the Partnership branches and representative offices are located, international agreements and other international regulatory acts of international cooperation. Statutory activities of the Partnership are also regulated by these Articles of Association.
1.3 The Partnership has a duly registered emblem.
1.4 The Partnership is entitled to carry out entrepreneurial activities corresponding to the purposes for which it was founded.
1.5. The Partnership carries out international activities on exchange of experience between countries of Europe, America, Asia and other continents with the established purpose of maintaining high standard in the industry.

Objectives and subject of activities

2.1 To promote professional development and advanced training of the best permanent makeup artists in the international community.
2.2 To support and promote high standards and innovations in the permanent makeup industry among the members of the Partnership.
2.3 Promotion of creation and introduction of new methods of permanent make-up.
2.4. Organization of master classes, seminars and training programs with participation of leading experts in the field of permanent make-up among the Partnership members.
2.5. Organization and holding of international events and conferences to share best practices, new research and trends in the industry.
2.6. Creation of a platform for active interaction and exchange of experience.
2.7 Establishing standards of professional ethics and quality of work to maintain high prestige.
2.8 Membership in the Partnership is on a competitive basis and is available only to permanent makeup masters with proven experience and outstanding skills.
2.9 Membership in the Partnership provides members with unique opportunities for professional growth and training at a high level.
2.10. Providing Partnership members with exclusive opportunities to participate in professional events and projects aimed at transforming and improving the permanent makeup industry.

Rights and obligations of members of the partnership

3.1 Rights of Members:
3.1.1 The opportunity to actively participate in permanent makeup conferences organized by WAPMUA, with obtaining up-to-date knowledge and sharing experience with the best masters of the industry.
3.1.2 The privilege of placing the card of the association member on the official website of WAPMUA, which helps to increase the coverage and interest of potential clients.
3.1.3 Gaining the prestige and status of a Member of the Association, which allows the Member to be recognized as a specialist of the highest level in the field of permanent makeup.
3.1.4 Assignment of a special member identification number and membership badge to each Member, confirming their status in the Association.
3.1.5 Full access to the base of suppliers of products for permanent makeup with the provision of existing discounts.
3.2 Responsibilities of Members:
3.2.1 Actively participate in conferences, seminars and other events organized by the association to improve their professional level and share their experience.
3.2.2 Maintain up-to-date information to be posted on the official website of the Association, including contact details and portfolio.
3.2.3 Maintaining high ethical standards and professional ethics in his/her activities.
3.2.4 Maintaining confidentiality of information obtained as part of membership in accordance with the association’s regulations.
3.2.5 Supporting and cooperating with other members of the association to achieve common goals and transform the industry for the better.

Procedure for membership of the partnership

4.1 Members shall be elected to the Association in recognition of their outstanding and continuing achievements in the field of permanent makeup.
4.2 A prospective member must have an officially registered activity closely related to permanent make-up.
4.3 The potential member must have at least three years of practical experience in the field of permanent makeup.
4.4 The potential member must have at least one victory in national or international championships in permanent makeup.
4.5 Mandatory teaching experience in permanent makeup for at least 1 year and at least three ongoing basic training or master classes monthly.
4.6 The candidate’s annual income should not be less than 50,000 USD.
4.7. It is mandatory to have at least three publications in various media dedicated to permanent makeup.


  • Potential members who meet the above conditions may apply to join the association.
  • Candidates will be considered by the Association on the basis of the submitted documents and may also be invited for an interview to assess in more detail their professional experience and commitment to the development of the permanent makeup industry.

4.8 Membership of the association is by recommendation of an existing member of the association only. New members may be proposed by candidates who meet the above conditions and are recommended by active members.
4.9 The decision to admit a new member shall be made by the President of the Association and the active members on the basis of voting. Voting shall be held in secret and shall be confidential.
4.10. The candidate shall be given an opportunity to present his/her professional achievements, plans and commitments at a special interview conducted by the members of the Association.
4.11. The President of the Association has the right to decide to exclude the restriction on membership in special cases if it will contribute to the development and strengthening of the Association.

Procedure for withdrawal from membership

5.1 A member of the Association has the right to withdraw from the Association at its discretion within the terms and conditions determined by the Association Council.
5.2 To withdraw from the Association it is necessary to send a written application to the Association Council not later than 1 (one) month before the end of the term of the Contract concluded with the Member.
5.3 The Association Council shall confirm in writing the fact and date of the Member’s withdrawal from the Association.
5.4 A Member of the Association may be expelled by decision of the Association Council in cases of:

  • violation of the provisions of the current legislation and the Charter;
  • failure or refusal to pay membership fees in due time;
  • causing damage to the Association and its Members by their actions (inaction);
  • if the activities of the Member contradict the goals, objectives and activities of the Association

5.5 A Member withdrawing or being expelled from the Association must be a member of the Association for at least 2 years.
5.6 Once the application for withdrawal has been submitted, the cooperation with the Member shall be canceled within 1 month from the date of confirmation by the Association Council of the fact of withdrawal.

The terms and conditions of withdrawal from the Association may be amended by the Association Council at their discretion, taking into account changing circumstances and the needs of the Association.

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Application for Membership

Form for filling out by the applicant for joining the association of permanent makeup artists

Want to become a member of the PMU Association?

Looking for collaboration? Send an email to for enquires.


Your activity must be related to permanent make-up and be officially registered in accordance with the legislation of your country.


You must have experience of participating and winning prizes in permanent make- up championships held at national or international level in the last three years.


You must have at least one year of experience in permanent make-up training and a minimum of ten students who have successfully completed your courses.


You must have a minimum of one media mention of your professional activities or achievements in permanent make-up.


At least one of your students must have won a national or international permanent make-up championship in the last three years.